Naid Carville


NAME: Naid Carville.
AGE: A little over 30 summers.
NAMEDAY: 26th Sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon (August 26th)
RACE: Viera - Rava / Veena mixed.
LANGUAGES: Eorzean, scant archaic Hingan, sign language, night writing.
ACCENT: Somewhere in between Limsan and Golmorran
PATRON: Nymeia.
JOB: Secretary and performer.
LIKES: Music, theater, novels (esp harlequins and gil-piece dreadfuls)
DISLIKES: Boring conversations, show-offs, authority
Ο - Intense, welcoming, loyal
X - Resentful, temperamental, obsessive
VICES: Drinking her problems, stress smoking.
BUILD: Stocky, tall, and buxom.
OTHER NOTES: She has burn scars up and down the left side of her body that are glamoured most of the time. Her tail stays mostly visible.


Naid Carville was born to a Rava mother and a Veena father - her mother was an exile from Golmorre, and her father was a runaway from a longstanding family of gleaners. Both met due to an underlying wanderlust that never faded, even with the struggles of parenthood. Naid effectively grew up in a caravan and, barring that, spent her nights sleeping at inns. Her parents worked as stagehands, with her mother specializing as an occasional understudy and seamstress, and her father using his sparse carpentry skills.Her father's background as a gleaner made him relatively well-educated, and Naid learned her math, reading, and writing from him. Her mother had tried to teach her magic at a young age, having been an accomplished mage back in Golmorre, but nothing quite stuck before her mother gave up those efforts.Neither bothered to teach Naid to cook which has become everyone's problem. She's trying to learn but please accept any food she gives you with GREAT CAUTION.She lost them around her sixteenth summer when an accident ran their caravan off the road. While she survived the accident, her parents, the caravan, and the animals pulling it did not.Naid spent the last of their coin cremating her parents, only earning a little more off the passable meat of their carriage does, the salvageable lumber, and what items she had no room to carry with her. In an experience that embittered her, the city-states had no room for her, and if she had any other family left, she had no way to reach them.If anyone were to ask, she started working as a prostitute as soon as it was legal to, filling the time between with unsavory jobs that others might not take on.Between her parents' death and the fall of Dalamud, Naid was widowed twice. Her first husband was an Ishgardian noble who was trying to make an heir - an effort that was complicated by his disinterest in women, his boyfriend's inability to bear children, his family's decimated status, and an undetected case of aetherspurn. The aetherspurn ended up killing him, and she moved on without her best friend. This marriage started when she was 19 and lasted one year, but she survived.While Naid received no inheritance or monetary compensation for the marriage, the family allowed Naid to take a chocobo. Naturally, she picked one that was half-destrier, and her rearing lead said bird, Eala, to be a menace to society. Eala travels with Naid to this day, but she's getting up in years.Her second husband was a blind Hrothgar she'd met on the outskirts in Yanxia, after she was stranded there when a business arrangement turned out to be something else entirely. She married him when she was 22, and it lasted three years before he was killed. In the ensuing grief, she blazed a building to the ground in Kugane. This resulted in 3rd and 4th degree burns along the left side of her body, but she survived. She was barred from Kugane except in very specific circumstances and sent back to Limsa Lominsa.And then the Calamity happened. The ship wrecked on the Isles of Umbra, along with many other ships, but she survived, though with a belief that she had been enthralled. She has continued to work as a prostitute since then, never staying in one place for too long.... At least, that's what she's willing to share, at any rate.


Ways to encounter her include...

  • Adventuring with her!

  • A fellow city Viera - bonus points for second gens!

  • Being a fellow vagabond.

  • Her ornery chocobo, Eala, has bit and/or scratched you and you want compensation. You aren't getting it, but you can try.

  • You want a dance partner, and it LOOKS like she's otherwise unoccupied...

  • You've been to Aleport on business, and you remember seeing her or someone like her.

  • You realize she looks suspiciously like that lady banned from Kugane for arson.

  • You met her or interacted with her during her brief tenure in Ishgard, just over 10 summers ago.

  • You were with the XIIth legion, and you know the real reason she was barred from Kugane.

  • You're an officer of the law and you like bothering pretty young women, you pervert.

  • You've been to one of her performances!

  • You're a fellow fan of theater, or may have worked with her or her parents in the past.

  • You've definitely sold her one of the worst romance novels you've ever heard of.


Once upon a time, Naid believed she was enthralled by the Siren at Pharos Sirius. Her actions as a result of this belief lead to her being the direct cause of the deaths of five individuals, and she may have been the indirect cause of many more. To try and spare the person she loves, Jihin, she made him leave before he ended up as her next victim.... Which, if that was the end of it, would be incredibly depressing and kind of boring, no?Instead, heartbroken and still very much convinced she was tempered, Naid ends up distracted enough to get caught by a deiform/primal/eikon/whatever hunter and, with the revelation that she isn't at all enthralled, effectively works community service with said hunter.In the year and a half since then, she's reunited with her former beau and moved in with him, made her first appearance on stage, started working for an adventurer's guild run by a good friend, and has started isolating herself less and less.Of course, things rarely stay easy for long. Old issues have begun to crop up again -- ominous dreams, periods of blacking out, sleepwalking -- and now she has to question just how much of the past will stay in the past.


intro: hi & thank you for reading! i go by hana in most spaces online. i am 31 years old, and I go by... pretty much anything except he/him. i really don't care. i've completed current MSQ -- please let me know if you haven't, as Naid's current character assumes post endwalker.i have almost 20 years of roleplay experience, having started on the KHinsider forums and roleplaying anywhere from tumblr, dreamwidth, LiveJournal, more forums, deviantArt, and more! FFXIV is my first serious attempt at roleplaying in an MMO setting, and i have been roleplaying in FFXIV since September 2021. I'm open to short-form, paragraph style, and chat style roleplay, but I lean more on paragraph-form!i used to play PSO2 pretty exclusively and i brought Naid with me! she's consistently not the main character and also a sex worker.anything involving permanent injury or irreversible changes I'm open to with a long-term roleplay partner with appropriate communciation first.naid is happily taken and moving away from sex work, and as such i am not open to ERPing on her in any circumstances. sorry!while naid does have the ability to semi-manipulate people, i will communicate with you beforehand for consent and only if i think it's relevant to a scene we're doing.i prefer to interact with the 21 and up crowd only.